In this one-time class for absolute beginners, we will begin with an interactive lecture about learning correct terms (frets, chords, strumming, tuning, etc.), identifying the different parts of our instruments (strings, body, bridge, fret board, neck, etc.), and tuning our instruments. After that we will move on to learning the 4 primary chords [Am, G, F, C], and end our class by playing 1 or 2 simple songs that they can “take home” and practice on their own (copies of the songs will be provided after the lesson). Students will be given personalized pointers and practicing tips to make their learning experience more profitable in the long term. It is my goal to make the learning process fun, and encourage students to sing and participate by allowing each member to take turns responding to questions, and with strumming/playing their instrument at appropriate times during the lesson. Music is supposed to be enjoyable, and learning is easier when students are having fun. I look forward to singing and sharing some tunes with you soon!
**Note: Please be sure to have a tuner available for class; either as an app on your phone or as a small tuner device easily available for purchase online or your local music store.**
Contact me here to schedule a date/time for the class, or click on my teaching website to view my available course times on that platform and book a lesson there.
Thanks for your interest and happy strumming!
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