Anyone can help to save a life. Even children! In this age appropriate, 1 hour, fun and interactive class students, ages 8-11, will be introduced to the basic but essential skills of first aid and managing an emergency. First aid training teaches children how to respond to various accidents and emergencies. Learning how to contact emergency services is invaluable, and it also indirectly enhances communication and confidence.
Children will have the opportunity to learn and practice the following skills through a lecture, role-playing, video clips, discussions and games:
* Learn & understand the goals of first aid
* How to assess a scene
* How to call ‘911’
* An introduction to basic principals of first aid
* Basic bleeding control
* First Aid Kit essentials
These interactive and fun sessions are designed to equip children with the basics of what to do in an emergency.
Learning Goals:
At the conclusion of this class, students will be able to:
Recognize & Respond to Medical Emergencies
* Life-Threatening Conditions
* How To Get Help
* What You Can Do Until Help Arrives
* Assemble an essential First Aid Kit
~Handouts will be provided in the classroom prior to class.
If students already have a first aid kit they may bring it to class for our discussion on the kits.
~Age-appropriate pictures or illustrations will be used in the presentation of the material.
Basic bleeding pictures/illustrations will have minimum amount of blood pictured.
This is one of the classes we teach at the nonprofit organization I founded and still operate, World Wide Academy Training Services. I founded a small private school in the neighborhood where I grew up. I operated and taught at the school for 7 years. Our students received trainings and classes in First Aid, Self-Defense, etc., through our “Phulasso” Protection Concepts Program. “Phulasso” is a comprehensive system of “third-party” protection skills that are developed to engage and manage potential threats to our families and communities such as, acts of physical violence, fire and medical emergencies, man-made and natural disasters.
Skills and techniques were developed that enhanced their ability to identify, assess, understand, and cope with threats; before, during, and after they have occurred.
We’ve since moved this class to online learning platforms. I look forward to meeting your children!
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