8-10: https://outschool.com/classes/all-about-finish-carpentry-with-a-professional-finish-carpenter-mjKFfiLf#us8VOYFMNV
10-14: https://outschool.com/classes/all-about-finish-carpentry-with-a-professional-finish-carpenter-nMa0JnG8#us8VOYFMNV
Hi! I’m Teacher Tom and I am a professional finish carpenter. So what does that mean? What do I do? Come find out!
-We will start by reviewing some of the different types of carpenters.
-Then we will discuss what a finish carpenter is and what sets finish carpentry apart.
-We will review some of the most common tools and materials used by a finish carpenter.
-We will discuss and look at many different kinds of finish carpentry projects, learning their names and what they look like. (There will be a quiz towards the end of class, so pay close attention!) As you learn these you will begin to recognize different finish carpentry projects as in your and others’ homes, at school, and in different buildings that you go to.
-We will discuss the meticulous attention to detail and other important skills that a finish carpenter requires to do a good job.
-Then we will have our quiz to see if you remember some of the different projects that a finish carpenter can do!
-The learners will see many photos from my portfolio during this class. I will discuss with them different projects I have been working on recently such as building custom escape rooms in beautiful Niagara Falls Canada, restoring historic museums, building wooden playgrounds, and homemade pontoon boats. The learners will have time for some Q & A at the end of class.
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