This course will provide students with an introduction to the academic 5-paragraph essay. Topics covered include: The 5-Step Writing Process, What is a 5-Paragraph Essay?, Writing the Introduction and Creating the Thesis Statement, Transition Sentences, Main Idea Sentences, Body Paragraphs, and the Conclusion Paragraph.
The class will be structured as a workshop with a brief review of last session, an introduction/lecture for new material, writing time, review of writing time with peer partners and review of what was learned. Students will receive a brief homework assignment to complete the writing started in class that week.
I will approach the course as a teacher that serves as a partner in writing. Students are often intimidated by writing a 5-paragraph essay, and I will never intimidate, demean or de-motivate students. No matter the level of writing of students, my goal will be to improve their understanding of this topic so that they can approach it with a strong foundation in school.
There will be constant interaction with me and with one another. Students will receive feedback from me as well as one another over the course of the class sessions. Peer-review is one of the steps to the writing process, so we will certainly employ this important and confidence building technique.
Students will not be expected to have any knowledge of this topic prior to attending the course as this is an introductory course meant to build a foundation of understanding and reduce the self-consciousness students feel about academic writing.
Course Outline:
Week 1 – Introduction to The 5-Paragraph Expository Essay, The 5 steps to the Writing Process, Introduction Paragraph Lecture, Thesis Statement creation and discussion
Week 2 – Thesis Statement peer review, finalization of Introduction Paragraph, introduction to Body Paragraphs
Week 3 – Body Paragraphs Lecture and Details (DRAPES) discussion, creation of Body Paragraphs, Main Topic and Transition Sentences discussion, Sandwich of Support
Week 4 – Conclusion Paragraph introduction and creation, Restatement of Thesis discussion, Ending the Essay discussion, Peer Review of Conclusion Paragraph and final sendoff with directions for submitting final and complete essay!
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