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Online Science $50.00 - $50.00

Python: An Introductory Course

13902 Bromfield Pl, Germantown, MD 20874, USA
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Over the years, Python has become one of the most versatile computer languages.

This is a pre-recorded video course,  you will learn the basics of Python 3 syntax, control flow, as well as data structures, and apply these to a project. You can follow the video at your own pace. We will provide learning help through our teaching platform and answer any questions you may have.

Weekly Topic:

Week 1: Intro to Python + Hello World

Week 2:  Numbers, Variables, and Variable Types

Week 3: Strings and String formatting and Binary Logic Intro

Week 4: Binary Logic (cont.) and Conditional Structures (if statements)

Week 5: Lists and Loops

Week 6: Functions and Object-Oriented Programming

Week 7: Dictionaries, Libraries, and Documentation, Final Project

Week 8: Conclusion on last day

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EduConnects is a Chinese language and culture enlightenment institution. We provide Chinese Immersion philosophy and aim to immerse students in the Mandarin language through Science, Technology, Engineering, authentic Chinese arts and Mathematics (STEAM) courses, and an online learning program for those who are enthusiastic about learning Mandarin Chinese.

Mission & Philosophy
We are dedicated to teaching our future generation a new culture and language with a touch of modern innovation through a project-based, design-thinking methodology.

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