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Online Science Up to $42.00

Let’s Learn About the Five Senses (Flex Class) 6 Weeks

  • Ages:
    Preschool, Gradeschooler

How does pizza taste? Can you smell something sweet? Let’s explore all of the five senses in this 6 week flex class. This is an interactive class using Nearpod to learn about the sense of sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch. Each week students will follow the link on our class page. Nearpod allows students to play games, draw or find matching pictures while learning about the five senses.
After each class there will also be a topic discussion. Students will answer questions by either uploading a video or typing in the answers on our class page.
Each class will also feature a learner to learner interaction. We will play a game each week called Time to Climb. Students will see where they place among their fellow students while answering questions correctly to climb a mountain. We will have so much fun learning about the five senses with games and drawing slides.

Why try a flexible class?
-Great for students who need extra time to draw and use interactive features. Videos can be paused as needed.
-Great option for busy families. Students can watch the flex class when it is convenient to their daily schedule.
-Great for students all over the world. There are no time-zone conflicts.

Week 1: Let’s Learn about the Five Senses
Topic Discussion: What did you see, hear, taste, touch and smell today?

Week 2: Sight
Topic Discussion: What did you see today that made you smile?

Week 3: Taste
Topic Discussion: Did you taste something sweet today?

Week 4: Smell
Topic Discussion: Did you smell something sweet or stinky today?

Week 5: Touch
Topic Discussion: What toys in your room are soft and hard?

Week 6: Hearing
Topic Discussion: Did you hear any loud or quiet sounds today?

Let’s have fun learning about the five senses together.

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Provider Jeanie Beck
