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Online Science Up to $12.00

Let’s Do Science Together: Ongoing Science Class

  • Ages:

Each meeting, students will be presented a new science experiment or design challenge to work on in class together.

Students will be shown the final product, the materials needed, and discuss ideas for how they will accomplish the task. Then students will go off to work! At the end of class, students will have the opportunity to share what they have created with the rest of the group and share what they have learned.

Fall Schedule:
Week of 9/5/21: Largest, Longest-Lasting Bubbles
Week of 9/12/21: Straw Plane
Week of 9/19/21: Oobleck
Week of 9/26/21: Play Dough
Week of 10/3/21: Volcano
Week of 10/10/21: Marble Run
Week of 10/17/21: Tallest Tower of Straws
Week of 10/24/21: Balloon-Powered Car
Week of 10/31/21: Egg Drop Device
Week of 11/7/21: Blow Up Balloons (Baking Soda and Vinegar)
Week of 11/14/21: Catapult
Week of 11/21/21: Foil Boat
Week of 11/28/21: Largest, Longest-Lasting Bubbles
Week of 12/5/21: Straw Plane
Week of 12/12/21: Oobleck
Week of 12/19/21: Play Dough
Week of 12/26/21: Volcano

*This course repeats content every 12 weeks, but learners are welcome to continue through! There are extension opportunities for each activity so learners have a new challenge to a project they have already encountered.

After class, we will discuss which activities will happen next. Each Sunday at 1pm PST, I will post in the classroom which activities we are doing for the week and the specific materials needed for the lesson (they follow the order listed above). Please ensure the student has the materials ready when class starts. (If you need more notice, please send me a message in the classroom. Posting on Sunday ensures that new students for the week can access the information).

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Value for Money

I teach all domains of science classes including Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science. I enjoy incorporating engineering and STEM projects as I can in addition to valuable life skills such as discussion strategies, organizational tools, and identifying and managing emotions. I have over a decade of experience working with kids between 4 weeks and 17 years old. While my passion is science, I also offer math, social clubs, and circle time classes.

I am certified to teach middle school science and health/fitness courses. I have a Masters degree for teaching middle level science as well as a Bachelors degree for teaching secondary science. My Master’s Thesis was about how “Middle Schoolers Should Be” in which I studied the effectiveness of integrating Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Art, and Math in middle school classrooms.

My goal is to get every student I meet excited about learning science - No matter their age! STEM fields are taking over our world and science teaches us the skills necessary to thrive in these fields such as analyzing, interpreting, and applying information. I strive to increase students’ curiosity and passion for STEM/STREAM through my own fascination of the field.

Some fun things about me are:
- I am learning the science behind making my very own teas
- I am obsessed with Yellowstone National Park
- I have 2 cats: Azlan (3 legged cat who knows tricks) and Kevin (4 legged kitty who thinks he’s a dog)

Please message me if you have questions, suggestions, or requests. I look forward to seeing you in class!

- Ms. Brooke

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