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Activities & Events $60.00 - $59.00

International Intruigue: A Geograpy Guessing Game

  • Ages:

In this 8-week flexible schedule class, the children will have the opportunity to learn interesting facts about different places worldwide. Each week, the students will be given clues to locate a different place from somewhere around the world. They will be practicing research skills and deductive reasoning in order to find the location. They will then add more interesting facts about the place on the Outschool Classroom page. Students should use the Outschool classroom page to send a message to me regarding their guesses for the name of the mystery location.

The topics to be covered will be information about different places worldwide. Some of the locations will be determined by the students as they will be encouraged to give clues to other locations. Students should follow all internet safety rules by not identifying the place where they live. They can use their location for clues, but they can not identify these locations as being where they live.

Challenges will be posted weekly.

Each week, the students will need to identify the place as well as add some facts that they have found interesting about the location given in the clues. They will need to respond to the clues given and encouraged to offer their own challenges to the class as well. I will upload the challenges each Sunday. Students should respond to the clues no later than the following Saturday.

I will teach using a discovery-based approach in which students are given clues via a video that I will create and post.


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Provider Maria Thorne


I am a retired teacher with more than 30 years of experience in education. I have taught all academic subjects for grades K-5 including STEAM and Art. I have a Master’s degree in Emotional and Behavior Disorders.
I am a wife and mother. I have two grown sons. I also have two dogs, and a cat.
I enjoy reading, art, camping, white water rafting, and crafting.
My favorite thing in the world is a smile.

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