The Dimensions Math series is designed to help students learn math by using concrete images, pictures, then moving to the abstract. Students will learn to think mathematically and rely on learning how to ‘do maths’, not just memorize math facts.
I will use a variety of activities to engage the learner including Google slide presentations, use of the whiteboard, videos, stories, and the use of manipulatives (like counters). Students are required to have their own textbook and workbook which are listed in the Supplies section below and available from Singapore Math. I have also listed some possibilities for optional manipulatives. Additional flashcards, activities, and ideas for games at home will be offered. Singapore Math also provides a letter for parents describing each chapter. This will be sent each week based on the schedule.
Class Expectations:
Each class will offer a mini-lesson, review of homework, opportunity for questions, and in-class practice. Students should bring their textbook and pencil to each class. We will be taking notes in the class and they may use their workbooks for practice outside of class. Students should also have some kind of counter up to 20 (depending on the lesson) and extra scratch paper.
Students should know how to annotate prior to joining the class. If you are on a Chromebook, make sure to have additional scratch paper available. Students should also know how to mute and unmute themselves. I like to have the students’ video on and not muted whenever possible. We will go through classroom expectations at the beginning of the series and review them often.
This session covers the Singapore Dimensions Math 1A course. These include:
Chapter 1: Numbers to 10
Chapter 2: Number Bonds
Chapter 3: Addition
Chapter 4: Subtraction
Chapter 5: Numbers to 20
Chapter 6: Addition to 20
Chapter 7: Subtraction within 20
Chapter 8: Shapes
Chapter 9: Ordinal Numbers
I will stay up to five minutes after class if an individual has questions. I am also available in the classroom for additional help.
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