This course is for learners who know their sounds and letters but would like extra practice using those skills with decodable readers. It is a great follow-up to the I Can Fly series.
Each lesson will follow the “I can – we can – you can” approach to learning. First, we will have a mini-lesson using Google slides to introduce the day’s topic. Songs and movements will also be used. We will use word chains to practice the sounds and get ready for our readers. As a group, we will preview a decodable story. Students will get a copy of the story to read and color at home. Learners will get practice handwriting the target words as well. We will finish our time with games related to the week’s topic. Games may include Bingo, flashcards, directed drawing, or online games.
The following details the word families for each week:
Week 1: Short a, – at and -an
Week 2: Short i, – it, -in, -ig, and -ip
Week 3: Short o, -op, -ot and -ox
Week 4: Short e, -et, -en, and -eg
Week 5: Short u, -ug, -ut, and -un
Week 6: Review
Reading is such a joy to me. I love to see readers get excited when they read their own book.
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