In Crazy Cones Poems, we will spend our time laughing and learning all about the literary device, alliterations.
“Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers,” “She sells seashell by the sea shore” are just two well-known examples of alliterations. Otherwise known as tongue twisters. That is not where they stop. I will share with a variety of alliterations-tongue twister, poems, to famous brands of things we use all the time.
We will focus the majority of our time on the poem written by Jack Prelutsky, “Beezer’s Ice Cream.” This poem is about a man named Ebeneezer Beezer who owned an ice cream store with crazy ice cream cone flavors. We will examine the poem and discuss the alliterations used. I will ask higher order thinking questions about how and why the poem was written as it was.
After our discussion, students will have the opportunity to create their own “crazy cone” practicing alliteration and illustrating the cone to depict the crazy ingredients. While working on our illustrations, we will have the opportunity to socialize and share our writing and drawings.
This class is 45 mins long. $10
You do need to be a member on Outschool to take the class. It is free to join. You pay per class.
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