Before there were memes, we had comics! We are finding the punchline and learning how to create old-school comic strips that contain original characters, context, and charisma.
Objective: We will write a joke or micro-story that has an introduction, build up, climax, and resolution to convey their message using a brainstorming/pre-writing sheet. We will plan and storyboard our joke, story, or message using thumbnails and preliminary sketches to find areas and details for maximum impact in our drawing. We will learn how to color and process our artwork, following industry standards, and our mediums of choice.
Format: We will delve into the world of comic strips, and learn how to construct one of our own.
Day 1: Finding the pacing and the punchline. Students will use the brainstorming sheet for creating their message, joke or micro-story. We will talk about the use of pacing and finding an appropriate punchline. We will be writing and starting to sketch out ideas, focusing on several options.
Day 2: We will storyboard our options and choose our best idea to sketch. We will learn how to block in our scenes, text, characters, focusing on a foreground, mid-ground and background. We will also choose mediums and create a color scheme for a cohesive look.
Day 3: We will be creating characters and dynamic poses. We will discuss convincing, dynamic poses, line of action, and character expressions that are sure to deliver the punchline with the biggest impact. We will also be able to work through putting it all together and working on consistency with characters, scenes, and “camera angle.” We will also start finalizing our comic and discuss industry processes and work toward troubleshooting and finishing the comic.
Day 4: The focus is on finishing the comic, and learning how to take a good picture of your work to upload. Learners will submit final work to classroom stream, and TAG a classmate’s work: Tell the artist something you like about the work, Ask the artist a question about the work, and Give the artist a suggestion for their work.
Ages: 11-15
Price: $60 per student
Duration: 55 mins x 4 days
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