Bonjour! There are so many things to love about the French language! The aesthetic of the language itself and the culture surrounding it are just two of the many things we will learn about the French language in this 8-week class. Each week will involve learning some vocabulary, some grammar, and a bit of French culture. There will be no live meetings, but students will watch videos that I have pre-recorded, as well as submitting work to me, sharing work with other students, and group collaborations. Students will also receive access to the PowerPoint presentations used in class. Homework will be a combination of assignments submitted to just me, assignments for peer feedback, and collaborations with other students.
Note: the minimum number of students must be reached in order for this class to run
Week 1 Greetings and introductions, pronouns, use of “tu” vs. “vous,” Christmas in France
Post an introduction video introducing yourself to the other students in French
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Watch a video on Christmas in France and answer questions and discuss with peers
Collaborate with other students (pairs or trios, depending on class size) to write a dialogue using the vocabulary
Week 2 Numbers 1-50, nouns around the house, noun genders, articles, Bastille Day in France
Complete a scavenger hunt (video) by placing sticky notes with the French words of objects in your home
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Write about one French holiday tradition, from Christmas or Bastille day, that you would like to try and why, and discuss with peers
Week 3 Days, months, and seasons, aller and etre, common verb phrases, French kids songs
Post a video introducing your family members (not their actual images!) including birthdays
Have a group discussion on your favorite seasons and why
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Choose a French song to begin memorizing
Week 4 Weather, colors, shapes, -er verbs in the present tense, French poems
Write out your daily weather for a week and share it with your classmates
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Submit a video of you reading a poem in French
Submit a video of you singing (or reciting) the song you memorized the week before
Week 5 Aller, places to go, -re verbs in the present tense, French games
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Discuss the best places to go for certain family types and situations with peers
Play a French game and either video or write your experience
Week 6 Animals, comparisons, -ir verbs in the present tense, French books
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Make a video of you comparing two animals (stuffed or real)
Read a French story and answer questions and discuss with classmates
Begin working on an end-of-class project (movie)
Week 7 School, subjects, numbers 60-100, past tense, the French school system
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Collaborate with peers to make a dialogue of a buying/selling situation
Submit a mini-essay about your school experience compared to a French student’s school experience
Continue working on an end-of-class project (movie)
Week 8 Family, activities, work, French family life
Complete and turn in a grammar and vocabulary worksheet
Write about your family and family activities and then discuss the differences with your classmates
Read a synopsis of a French family film and answer questions
Finish and submit your end-of-class project (movie)
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