This is a 4-week flex class (no live meetings). Each class will have a writing prompt based on the idea that the student’s pet has asked for a birthday party. Questions, sentence starters, pictures, vocabulary words, and examples will be used to help get students excited about the writing prompt and generating ideas. A Kahoot! quiz will be provided each week to help students review the meaning of the vocabulary words and practice choosing the correct spellings. We will play a word association game in the classroom to help students get started on the writing process. I will give students a word, they will share what the word makes them think of and they will explain how they might incorporate that idea into their story. Students are encouraged to share their writing and illustrations for their story. I will be available throughout the 4 weeks to answer questions and provide feedback on any work students choose to share. Please share any preferences you have regarding feedback on your student’s writing when enrolling. For example, if the student is a reluctant writer, you might prefer that I focus on praising them for the work they’ve already done and encouraging them to add more to their ideas. On the other hand, a more confident writer might benefit from also getting feedback on areas of grammar and punctuation that need work. This class is intended for students ages 6-10.
Class 1: Party Planning
Your pet asks for a birthday party. There is so much to do to get ready! Questions, sentence starters, pictures, vocabulary words, and examples will be used to help get students excited about the writing prompt and generating ideas.
Class 2: Present Time!
Now it is time to buy your pet’s present. What will you get? Questions, sentence starters, pictures, vocabulary words, and examples will be used to help get students excited about the writing prompt and generating ideas.
Class 3: A Story for the Party
What story about your pet will you tell at the party? Questions, sentence starters, pictures, vocabulary words, and examples will be used to help get students excited about the writing prompt and generating ideas.
Class 4: The Big Day is Here!
How does the party go? Questions, sentence starters, pictures, vocabulary words, and examples will be used to help get students excited about the writing prompt and generating ideas.
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