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Online Science $25.00 - $25.00

A Grand Tour of the Solar System & Beyond

United States
  • Ages:
    Gradeschooler, Teen

A virtual journey visiting the Sun, planets, their moons, and debris left over from the earliest times of the solar system’s formation. A detailed look at Pluto as the New Horizons spacecraft took very high resolution images of this elusive and controversial world after waiting 9 ½ years to reach it since launch in January, 2006. What a surprise it turned out to be, having more geologic activity than anyone thought possible. Solar System debris includes a look at comets, meteors and asteroids. Also, a brief introduction to our exoplanet survey.

1: Earth’s Place in the Universe
Using an orrery and other digitally graphic mechanical models of the solar system, galaxy and universe, positions and motions according to the heliocentric model are represented.
2: The Solar System
Comparative planetology with rocky worlds and gas giants, orbital dynamics, mass, size, moons, role of the sun.
3: Comets, meteors, asteroids and other solar system debris are addressed.
4: Search for extrasolar planets and the instruments used to discover them.


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Provider Kevin Manning


I teach exciting astronomy classes about different aspects of the universe using incredible photos, awesome video clips, and fun STEM hands-on activities. I am an astronomer and science educator with lots of experience who has been a consultant for NASA and worked with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory (space telescope) with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. I was both a Wright Fellow at Tufts University and an Einstein Fellow working with NASA Headquarters, the US House of Representatives, and the US Dept of Energy Office of Science on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, and did some work with Brookhaven National Laboratory. Besides the numerous workshops I've presented over the years, some noteworthy ones include those made at Tufts University, State University of New York at Stony Brook, the National Science Teachers Association's National Convention, American Association for the Advancement of Science Breakfast with Scientists, and the National Parks Service. I'm an author and written some books on astronomy including 4 of them for children as a content specialist for Scholastic. Teaching is an art and requires patience and a thorough understanding of the subject to be able to help someone learn using various approaches and learning styles. I feel it's important to be yourself and add a little humor because that has been shown through research to help an individual relax and learn better. I love working with wood and have used it to build telescopes including one that is over ten-feet long.

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