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Kids Summer Camp Planning Guide: A Helpful List For Parents

Kids Summer Camp Planning Guide: A Helpful List For Parents

Summer is just around the corner and this means that parents are getting ready gear-up for the often overwhelming, but always fulfilling summer camp applications.  When you’re looking to provide an immersive and educational spot for your child to enjoy something new and exciting, it may feel overwhelming when you see the sheer list of options.  Looking for some tips to help you pick all of the best spots for your kiddo? Allow us to help!

Choosing the best camp

First and foremost, you’re going to want to take a moment to figure out which kids camps you should be looking at.  Now more than ever, there are tonnes of options to think about and check out, and it means that your child basically has endless options!  Here are the categories to think about:

  • Creative: From photography camp to arts and crafts, you can find quite a few options for the creative soul in your midst that wants to really engage with the artistic part of themselves.
  • Sporty and active: From play structures to something like horse camps, to classic-style camps, there’s going to be no end of options when you’re looking at keeping that wild one active and moving. Plus, they’ll get a great workout!
  • General and immersive: For all others, there are all sorts of great options that blend kids outdoor activities with something more educational, such as learning to speak a language or even a full immersion language camp.

Nice to know that there is no “one size fits all for summer camp, right?  The sky’s the limit, and take a look at the full page of Kidzamania camps to make sure that you can help pick the right kind of camp for your child.

Some camp planning points to keep in mind

We all know that 2020 and a lot of 2021 so far have been far from normal. If you’re feeling nervous about just what you can expect from the summer camp season, you’ll want to think about some of the main factors that have changed drastically over the past year.  For example: 

  • In-person vs online camps: There are quite a few listings for online kids activities that you can choose from, giving you a safe and virtual camp that is still going to be jam packed with fun and games.
  • Budget: If you’re working on a tighter budget than normal, you can use that to search quickly through the Kidzamania camp page and limit your list to just those that you can afford.
  • Day camp vs sleepover camp: While this isn’t necessarily related to this year, there’s the classic battle between fun, immersive day camp, or morale-boosting sleepover camp. A packed full of fun and then coming home to Mom and Dad, or bonding over s’mores with bunkmates?  You’ll want to include your child in this decision!

This year’s summer camp planning guide for parents may look a little different than you’re used to, but it’s also got just as much potential!

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